Currently, the Makkasan Railway community may be known as another slum community in Bangkok. As many people think And in this slum community that Makkasan is well known that Low quality of life Both from drug problems, poverty, education and the environment, for example, many agencies, both domestically and internationally. Went to help in order for the community to have "opportunities" in the development of The Bangkok Residence 88 Company Limited to be aware of the said problem Therefore became a project to share happiness to deliver a special gift to the community in the project "Pan Pan Year 8, this Christmas for the brothers and sisters of the Makkasan Railway By taking off his own For others that he is lacking Cultivate awareness Social responsibility (CSR) is what The Bangkok Resort enhances the importance of sustainability. In order to allow personnel development to have a good view in sharing Giving Also benefit for others
The atmosphere of the Town Hall & New Year Party, 2023 in the BR Champions theme 🏆 so that The Bangkok Residence staff celebrates the party and fun with various activities on December 22, 2023 at the Ahyat Abalone Convention Hall.
This award is considered proud and one of the success. As well as encouraging all The Bangkok Residence staff to provide the best service and experience in real estate